Celestial Fire played their first ever live dates in the autumn of 2015, and have subsequently played further UK dates including Summer's End Festival and at Prog Dreams Festival (Netherlands). Here is a small sample of the feedback weʼve had:
"Utterly amazing evening of music played by world class musicians. All the players are at the very top of their game….where else can you find a band where the on point drummer, who plays everything with great feel, precision, energy and sensitivity, including all the odd time stuff, is also a virtuoso violinist?!! ….the compositions are breathtaking and the musicianship is staggering :)"
"What a fabulous night with the most talented musicians ...thankyou" 💓💓💓👏👏👏👏👏
"Great gig! Fantastic band. :-)"
Ian Jones (Karnataka)
"We knew we would enjoy Celestial Fire, but didnt think it would be this much... it was superb and to knock the spots of everything else, they finished off with a version of Yes' 'Soon'... it brought lots of good memories back of the big guy, just glad I was wearing my Chris Squire memorial shirt tonight..... cheers Dave Bainbridge, Dave Brons, Simon Fitzpatrick, Frank van Essen and Sally Minnear. Classic Rock Society, I doff my hat... that will take some beating!!"
"What can I say about Celestial Fire?
5 supremely talented individuals, all equally happy and at ease in their own space, yet coming together to perform wonderful soundscapes, like an intricate tapestry woven together with the different colours and threads to make a stunning masterpiece: Dave Bainbridge is in his element on keyboard like the true prog maestro he is, switching deftly to guitar and other things with ease, as do all the other multi faceted musicians at a dizzying pace; my favourite being the complete mood change between Frank Van Essen's stunning violin playing that never ceases to move me, to his vigorous drumming that never once drops even a complex rhythm, and gave me the great satisfaction of beating out the double drum beat during the Book of Kells Opening Theme which I missed hearing the last time I saw it live! So much skill to make it all look effortless, from Simon Fitzpatrick's Bohemian Rhapsody Bass solo, to Dave Brons' beautiful glass slide playing in the tribute to Yes at the very end, and the marvellous Brons/Bainbridge guitar duets which were magical to behold and it was truly wonderful to see the joy on Brons' face as he played along with his hero! And Sally somehow kept all the boys together and soared over their heads like an angel throughout all the new and difficult Celestial Fire prog insanity and then reigned it all back in again for the quieter Iona numbers; I was treated with the likes of Chi-Rho; Revelation, and a breathtaking medley of Brendan's Return, Brendan's Voyage, & Waiting for the Tide to Turn; a perfect combination in my opinion. So much happy in one evening…"
"Well, I saw Dave Bainbridge's band Celestial Fire last night. What an incredible group of musicians. I don't think I ever expected to hear a bass player that could give Tony Levin a run for his money, but Mr. Fitzpatrick is that man - extraordinary. Not to diminish all the other guys virtuosity (Dave Brons, Frank Van Essen) and Sally Minear's great voice. Dave himself as usual played guitar like a combination of Allan Holdsworth and Dave Gilmour, and on keyboards he challenges Keith Jarrett and Keith Emerson. Absolute prog. heaven, and to my mind a new evolution of Iona (noted for those who know/care). What a band!"
"The talent in this band is extraordinary. Especially watch out for an outstanding guitarist in Dave Bainbridge....one of the best, and a lovely chap to boot!"
"At the Celestial Fire concert in York. It's amazing !!!!!!"
“The brilliant and brand new Celestial Fire band...a spectacular evening of high emotion and genius talent!!” Rowena
“What a gig! Beautiful music, played by amazing musicians. Dave, Dave, Frank, Sally and Simon... I salute you all.” Aaron
“It was brilliant! Dave is almost like Steve Howe and Rick Wakeman rolled into one! Sally Minnear is a lovely singer. It was one of the best gigs I've ever seen/heard.” Alan
“What a fantastic evening of music...It was so good to hear some of Celestial Fire played live and the musicianship from all involved was out of this world. Sally Minnear was incredible, Frank van Essen on the drums absolutely nailed it. Dave Brons was clearly loving every single note he was playing and that was infectious. Simon Fitzpatrick on bass was on another level. What a talent...what an amazing night.” Craig
“An absolutely epic evening watching the Celestial Fire band play the most intricately beautiful music. Incredible musicians. Unmissable.” Russ
“To hear loved tracks from the past come alive, & get the visual confirmation of the musical competence & sheer wizardry behind them was great, but even more than that was the 'feel' of it all; to experience the 'wall of sound' of the heavy stuff & the ethereal (spiritual) quality of the lighter sections was emotively powerful.... Intelligent, intricately woven, sensitively blended music, performed with integrity & superb skill. Can't ask for more! ....Thanks Dave & Co. ...Now to listen to the new CD once again.” Ray
“Thanks Dave Bainbridge for a brilliant time on Wednesday at Bilston. It was a great night” Joanna